جهاز كشف الكذب المطور – مجان‪ي

جهاز كشف الكذب المطور – مجان‪ي

App Name
جهاز كشف الكذب المطور - مجان‪ي
59 MB
Latest Version
Version 5.3.1
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When it comes to lie detection, technology has had a huge impact on the development of tools used for this purpose. One of these innovative tools that has been developed is an application that aims to analyze the veracity or sincerity of what is said or promoted in conversations or interviews.

What is the application?

An innovative application that works on smartphones and tablet devices, it can be an effective tool to help you analyze the validity of people’s statements and determine whether they are telling the truth or not.
The application uses many advanced techniques to analyze sounds, tones, breathing and tremors in the body, in order to detect any shifts in the physiological responses of the person being examined. For example, the app can analyze a person’s breathing pattern and stress level, and compare it to the typical values of an honest and questionable person.
Thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, the developed polygraph application learns from the data provided to it over time, which increases its accuracy and effectiveness. Over time, the application will be able to recognize a person’s usual patterns and identify any strange or abnormal changes in a person’s behavior while performing or answering questions.
An important feature of this application is its high speed and accuracy, which allows it to be used in real time in conversations or interviews, as the application can automatically analyze the data collected in tips or signals. This makes it very effective when it comes to analyzing and reporting on the trustworthiness and honesty of the person.
It turns out to be a powerful and effective tool in detecting lies and assessing the credibility and honesty of people in various conversations and interviews. As technology develops, it may have a greater and greater role in developing the field and improving the performance of these applications in the future.

What are the features of the application?

The application uses modern lie detection techniques such as voice analysis, facial expressions, and text analysis, which provides high accuracy in assessing a person’s honesty.
The application features a simple and easy-to-use user interface, making it easy for anyone to use without the need for special authenticity verification skills.
The application relies on innovative and advanced technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which contributes to increasing the accuracy and efficiency of the lie detection process.
The application allows you to customize lie detection criteria according to the user’s needs, allowing you to modify and improve the results according to your own circumstances and criteria.
The app can analyze data and produce accurate reports in real-time, allowing the user to get quick and accurate results about a person’s honesty.

How do I use the application?

Download it from your store on your mobile phone.
Place your finger at the bottom in the place designated for the fingerprint.
Search the database and then see if he is telling the truth or lying.

About the application

The application received 2.8 out of a total of 5
The application size is 59MB.
Developer name: Ahmed Ababneh